Wednesday 20 September 2017


Hello there! 
Welcome to my blog!

This post begins my exploration into Design (: 

And where better to start off than with the different types of design?

Graphic Design

Graphic design is the type of design that brands the companies, products, political parties etc. that make up our designed world. Graphic designers make use of colour and its associations, typography, the Gestalt principals, shapes etc. to convey ideas. Logos, product packaging, advertising images, brand palettes and styles are all used to create an identity for the images that graphic designers create. 

Paul Rand is known for his massive amount of graphic design work throughout his lifetime. He has designed logos since the 1950s and has arguably paved the way for graphic design as we know it today.

"A logo is less important than the product it signifies; what it means is more important than what it looks like." -Paul Rand.

"He almost singlehandedly convinced business that design was an effective tool. [. . .] Anyone designing in the 1950s and 1960s owed much to Rand, who largely made it possible for us to work. He more than anyone else made the profession reputable. We went from being commercial artists to being graphic designers largely on his merits." -Steven Heller.

Web Design

Web design is the design discipline that deals with the creation of web pages on the internet, as well as mobile applications for smartphones. These designers must create elegant design while creating functional and user-friendly. Coding languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript are also used to create interactive online experiences.

 "Dave Shea is most famous for his CSS Zen Garden project, which helped spearhead the move from table-based web design layout to CSS-based layouts. The website became very popular, both helping to push the boundaries of what designs could be achieved with CSS alone, and also encouraging web designers the world over to adopt the approach."

Architectural Design

Architectural design, as most know, is the design of buildings and outdoor spaces. Plans (aerial layout views) for homes etc. Technical drawing and AutoCAD software may be used. The functionality of the needs of users and how they move through planned spaces, as well as their safety, is instrumental in the design of architectural spaces. 

Architectural designers like Colin Laird follow the principal of genius loci, where the design of a space is based on the spirit of the place; its users and its use. This is a form of empathy-driven design.

"As post-Independence T&T developed as a dynamic and vibrant nation, architects played a key role in the country’s social, economic, cultural and physical evolution, expressing the spirit of the emerging society by literally building the nation. Laird was at the vanguard of this movement, devoting much of his working life to major civic projects. Colonial architecture projected authority, order and power, expressed through architectural styles, which asserted the superiority of the colonial system over its subjects. Laird’s work sought to redress this spatial order, through architectural strategies that instead encouraged participation and inclusion. Laird embraced the notion of an independent T&T, and was an active participant in many forms of contemporary culture."

Fashion Design

Fashion design is the design of clothing and accessories. Fashion designers must utilise both form (i.e. aesthetics) and function (as they must design pieces to fit a range of human body proportions, make clothing breathable or warm based on climate, and make use of elasticity or closure to ensure that products can be put on, stay on the body, and removed). Types of fashion design range from haute couture, which is more avant-garde and more close to fine art in that function is of lesser importance than aesthetics, to mass market clothing that is factory-made and sold at generally inexpensive prices to the everyday user.

Rei Kawakubo is the fashion designer behind the famous Comme des Garçons label. Kawakubo established the brand in 1969.

She defines fashion design as something transformative and personal, rather than performative.

"Fashion is something that you can attach to yourself, put on, and through that interaction, the meaning of it is born." -Rei Kawakubo.

Product Design

Product design is the design of every manmade product with which we come into contact. From electrical sockets to chairs, product designers design based on human need, aesthetics, functionality, and ergonomics. Technical drawing and AutoCAD may be utilised in this field. 

Marlon Darbeau is a Trinidadian product designer who founded By Making, a local product design company. Darbeau's work often uses local/nostalgic/iconic designs and transforms them into new objects with new purposes.

"Duality is a strong theme that runs through their output — not only in concept and function, but also in material mixes of metal and wood. By Making’s works — whether the playful, multi-use Peera; long- or short-handled Dishout servers; or sleek, custom-designed Scene outdoor seating — are rooted in local tradition and familiar methods of making, while being fine-tuned around the idea of progressive and flexible modern living.


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