Wednesday 20 September 2017

Movie Poster Entry #1: Brainstorming and Sketches

San Junipero
Movie Poster

Assignment: Design & create a vector movie poster (14 x 22") using 3 colours

Movie: San Junipero (standalone movie-length episode (season 3, episode 4) of Black Mirror)

(NB: Major spoilers for the movie ahead)

Synopsis (From Wikipedia):

In 1987, a shy and sheltered woman named Yorkie visits San Junipero, a beach resort town. Kelly, a vivacious party girl, strikes up a conversation with Yorkie at a night club in order to ditch Wes, a man she had sex with previously. Kelly invites Yorkie to dance but Yorkie, self-conscious and embarrassed, flees from the bar. Kelly follows, and flirts with Yorkie before offering to have sex with her. Yorkie declines, saying she is engaged to a man named Greg. The following week, Yorkie returns to the bar and... Yorkie and Kelly reunite in the bathroom, before returning to Kelly's bungalow to have sex. Yorkie admits it is the first time she has had sex with anyone. Kelly reveals she is bisexual, and that she was once married to a man.

The next week, Yorkie returns, looking for Kelly. She spots Wes, who advises her to "try a different time". Yorkie visits the 1990s, and then finds Kelly in the 2000s, but Kelly rebuffs her advances. After Yorkie leaves the bar, Kelly follows and confesses that she is dying, and that she avoided Yorkie because she feared making a genuine connection with anyone in San Junipero. The two engage in sexual activity again; Kelly tells Yorkie she wants to meet her in real life. Yorkie is hesitant at first, but at Kelly's urging, tells Kelly her location.

It is revealed that San Junipero is a simulated reality in which the elderly are permitted to visit for up to five hours per week, and the deceased can live in permanently; in this reality, they have the body of a younger version of themselves, and cannot die or feel pain unless they choose to. Back in the physical world, an elderly Kelly visits Yorkie. Yorkie, surviving via life support, was paralyzed 40 years prior after running her car off the road, despondent after being rejected by her parents when she came out to them as gay. Yorkie wishes to be euthanised so that she can live in San Junipero full time, but as her family has religious objections to her being removed from life support, she intends to marry her nurse Greg so he can sign off on her euthanisation. Kelly offers to marry Yorkie instead; Yorkie enthusiastically accepts, and Kelly subsequently authorises Yorkie's euthanasia.

Yorkie asks Kelly to join her full-time. Though Kelly does not believe in heaven, she plans to die without being uploaded to San Junipero; her husband of 49 years Richard chose to die in the same way, because their daughter Alison died aged 39 before San Junipero existed. Yorkie and Kelly argue, and Kelly leaves in her jeep, which she crashes on purpose. Yorkie runs after her and catches up to her, and at that very moment, Kelly's virtual body disappears, her time having ended for the week in San Junipero.

Time passes, and the real Kelly's health continues to worsen. She elects to become euthanized and her body is buried alongside her husband and daughter; meanwhile, her consciousness is uploaded to San Junipero, where she happily reunites with Yorkie.

Movie Screenshots:


My original notes while watching the movie:

But no one can understand that 😉 so:

Brainstorming words:

  • beach
  • city
  • neon
  • '80s
  • romance/love
  • couple
  • driving
  • death
  • afterlife/the beyond
  • paradise
  • sunset/sun
  • nighttime/moon
  • sickness
  • senescence
  • hospitals
And so! The sketching process begins!






Please give feedback (and thank you in advance if you do!) and wish me luck on completing the poster!  


  1. Nice designs. Well thought out. The 4th sketch stood out to me the most as it was a clever blend of symbolising both characters and also capturing the exuberant club/city. Maybe you can tilt the straw down and bit more and lean it towards the other class. Just to show the connection between the two lovers.

    1. Thank you for your feedback! That's actually a really great idea (and the lines will draw the viewer's eye to the less complex (less of a focal point) glass). Thanks (:

    2. Hi Xala, really interesting and well-thought out ideas and lovely sketches. I agree with Cass'Mosha, the 4th sketch stood out to me that symbolized the two ladies and the setting of the story. I also like your idea of the cityscape and the flatline. Which one of the ideas appealed to you the most? Have you chosen your colour scheme as yet? Overall, good job, I look forward to the poster development.

    3. I was also leaning towards the drinks sketch! I like that the neon sign shows both the beach and the club settings in the film. I was wondering whether I could use shades of grey or if only 1 shade is allowed? For sure though I would like to use a bright pink/purple and a cyan/teal.


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